Freshwater Fisheries

美 [ˈfreʃwɔːtər ˈfɪʃəriz]英 [ˈfreʃwɔːtə(r) ˈfɪʃəriz]
  • 网络淡水渔业
Freshwater FisheriesFreshwater Fisheries
  1. The analysis on the freshwater fisheries economy in Sanming municipality in ten years time


  2. Both marine and freshwater fisheries are beset by a number of very serious human impacts .


  3. Only a variety of measures to complement each other and many ways to deal can promote the healthy development of freshwater fisheries .


  4. Accumulative contents of freshwater fisheries , 1992


  5. Editor Board for Freshwater Fisheries


  6. The culture species of freshwater fisheries in China are most midwater and demersal fishes caught by traditional fishing gears and drug .


  7. On Right of Fishery The ecological theories for sustainable fishery of freshwater lakes are fisheries ecology and fisheries limnology .


  8. Co-author of the study , Franz Holker of the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries in Berlin , said things are at the critical point .
